Dominoes and Kips: Building Toward Success in Gymnastics



This I know is true: There is no such thing as an overnight success, especially in gymnastics.

For instance, anyone who has been a part of the sport can tell you this—it takes an enormous amount of physical preparation and carefully sequenced progressions to learn a kip. (Just ask Susie’s coach…)

But anyone who has been a part of gymnastics can also tell you, those conditioning and flexibility plans, drills and developmental skills that gets athletes to their goal of making a kip may not look terribly exciting. Truth be told, they look and are pretty boring. However, done correctly and with dedication and attention to detail these exercises are what will lead to a successful kipper. (In fact, much faster than a coach spotting the athlete over and over will….)

It isn’t about just working hard, but is about working strategically or what Inc. magazine calls the Domino Strategy.

Start small, is the first step of the Domino strategy.   Think “deceptively simple.” Then sequence your actions from there, each step building on the next, creating a momentum that becomes so strong that it bulldozes your goal.

Have an athlete that needs some motivation? Watch this You Tube video that shows how beginning with one domino just 5 mm high can topple a domino more than 3 feet tall and one hundred pounds!

In other words, keep doing those v-ups, hang tight with those leg lifts and strive to perfect that glide—those dominoes are stacking up to get that kip!